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LLLD 2024

The Ninth International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature

Ahwaz (Iran, Islamic Republic of), 1-2 February 2024

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Conference Description

The Ninth International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature is organized by different universities and research centers.
The conference will be dedicated to current issues of linguistics, languages, dialects, literature and translation.
All are cordially invited to present their research regarding current issues of linguistics, languages, dialects, literature and translation in English, Arabic or Persian.
The full articles of the conference will be published as the book of conference (provided with International Standard Book Number (ISBN), and according to the Governmental Approval (The Ministry)), and also will be indexed in CIVILICA (however, the book of abstracts will be published too).
You may select either Virtual Presentation or In-Person Presentation.
Services for Participants (If they wish to use)
A) Free Accommodation (3 nights): From 31st January 2024 (Check-in) up to 3rd February 2024 (Check-out).
B) Free Food (3 days): During 31st January, 1st & 2nd February 2024, all meals will be free.
C) Free Transportation: All transportations from Ahwaz airport to the accommodation place, to the conference venue and vice versa will be free.
D) Other Notable Free Services.
E) Joining of Family Members in Our Programs.
F) Tour (3 days, optional) (Fee: $ 100 which covers all the services such as accommodation, food, transportation,...): From 3rd up to morning of 6th February 2024.

Conference Themes
A) Linguistics (Any issue related to either theoretical or applied linguistics)
B) Literature (Any literary issue related to English, Arabic, and others)
C) Translation (Any translation and interpreting issue related to English, Arabic, and other languages and dialects)
D) Religious linguistics (Any linguistic study related to religious texts and speeches)
E) Languages and dialects - Any linguistic issue related to English, Arabic, and other languages and dialects such as:
Morphology and syntax / Phonetics and phonology / Corpus linguistics / Historical linguistics / Sociolinguistics / Contact linguistics / Psycholinguistics / Contrastive linguistics / Comparative linguistics / Neurolinguistics / Interlinguistics / Computational linguistics / Linguistic statistics / Orthography / Pragmatics / Rhetoric / Stylistics / Semantics / Linguistic typology / Bilingualism / Social Networks / Education (Issues such as teaching, program evaluation, Curriculum Development) / …

Conference creator: pahi

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Conference Location

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Ahwaz (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

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