International conference details
The 4th Global Conference ‘Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeaness Exposed to Plural Observers’
Athens (Greece), 23-24 May 2014
Key deadlines
- Conference starts:
- 2014-05-23
- Paper Registration by:
- 2014-04-11
- Paper Submission for Revision by:
- 2014-05-10
Conference Description
Euroacademia cordially invites you to The 4th Global Conference
‘Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeaness Exposed to Plural Observers’
Athens, Greece
THE DATES: 23 – 24 May 2014
Description and aims
Europe became in the 20th century an elaborated yet contested notion as the particular field of European studies emerged while extensive and diverse research was directed recently towards an intensified search for what Europe is about. The creation of the European Union made things even more specialized and increased the stake of methodological rigor as more and more Europeans are affected by the decisions taken in Brussels. The number, diversity and quality of research projects focused on European issues is unprecedented, yet, as it is usually the case with specialization, it gradually led to discursive communities that rarely meet and debate their approaches in open floors together with peers from other continents, academic traditions and cultures. It is the aim of this conference to build a bridge among specialists from different regions, academic traditions and cultures that share a common interest in studying and addressing Europe as a reflexive concern.
The 4th Global Conference ‘Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeaness Exposed to Plural Observers’ aims exactly to refresh a broader approach and understanding of Europe by enlarging the platform of regular conferences and workshops for a wider arena of participants and disciplinary backgrounds in order to put on stage a worldwide monadology for such concerns. The conference aims also to enable critical alternatives to the disciplinary orthodoxies by creating a framework for interaction and dissemination of diversity that has to become once more a European trademark.
What is Europe and its place in the world? Is there something particular that sedimented in time and through a controversial history a European way? How does Europe see itself and how do others see it? Is Europe inclusive or club-based exclusive? Is Europe becoming a normative power or just envisages itself as one? Is the European multiculturalism a fact or an ideal? Is the European Union a reflection of Europe or an appropriation of it? These are just few questions out of an enormous space for inquiry that are to be addressed and confronted within the topic of the conference. And what other place is more appropriate for a re-evaluation of Europe than Athens – the place where it all started. Join us!
Conference creator: Euroacademia
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Conference Location
Athens (Greece)