International Conference on the Restructuring of the Global Economy

Cambridge (United Kingdom), 23-24 June 2014

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Conference Description

Overview of the Conference

Ever since the publication of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India , China) report by Goldman Sachs in 2001, the debate about the role of emerging countries vs. the developed countries in shaping global business has gathered momentum. A revised version of the same report entitled “BRICs and Beyond” by the same authors, with upward revision of certain growth projections, has added further fuel to the debate so much so that by now, most countries have accepted that the world economy is in transition. In other words, the countries as above joined by others such as
including Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey (the MINTs) will exert a much greater influence in world affairs aided by their increasing economic power. The developed countries, led obviously by the major economies of USA, Japan, Germany, Britain , France and others [ the so-called G-7/8 group of nations ] have accepted that their dominance in shaping world opinion will be shelved as the growth gradient of the emerging economies becomes increasingly steeper. Nowhere has this been more reflected than in the G-20 [Group of 20 countries – developed and emerging] meet last year [2008] in calling for fiscal stimulus to induce growth to beat the recessionary forces.

It is but natural that such a changing economic scenario calls for fresh thinking towards development of policies examining macroeconomic stability as well as framing of strategies by firms irrespective of their sizes. Multinationals and SMEs, all will be involved in formulating strategies to compete effectively and grow- whether they belong to agriculture, industry or service sectors.

There is intense pressure on both governments and businesses to perform and deliver. In such a scenario, alternative -and may even be controversial-policies and strategies will need to be thought out and placed before the decision making bodies.

Conference Objectives
Many experts have predicted the end of US dominance of world markets following the current business cycle. Needless to say, this will have strategic significance for the businesses at large as well as for those responsible for country management. The basic objective of the conference is to expose the participants to the challenges that lie ahead as a result of the shift in the purchasing power of countries in the east and the west. This could best be achieved by bringing together experts from various fields-academics and professionals- to discuss and evaluate the options opening up on a common platform namely, the conference proposed. It is expected that at the end of this exercise, the participants would be in a position to develop actionable strategies to put their organisations on a higher gradient of growth.
1. To elucidate an issue that is becoming ever more important as global economies become intertwined.
2. To learn more of the key concepts and frameworks from all disciplines regarding wide range of contemporary issues in business and management.
3. To consider the pedagogy for teaching the issue of business & management, including recommendations about topics, syllabi and course materials.
4. To meet, mingle and network with professionals and colleagues from all over the world.

Conference creator: abrmr

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Conference Location

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Murry Edwards College, Trinity Hall, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 0D,
Cambridge (United Kingdom)

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