Five Reasons your Hiring Practices may be Illegal and Ineffective

Fremont (United States), 9 March 2017

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Conference Description

Overview: This webinar covers five reasons hiring practices may be ineffective or illegal or both. We will talk about "warm body" hiring and how to avoid it. We will discuss the importance of understanding the job and how well the candidate matches the requirements. We will discuss how to interview better and how to assess the candidate. The importance of background checks and their proper use will be discussed to avoid illegal decisions. The importance of following proper immigration documentation procedures and how you can run afoul of these regulations, including keeping newly hired employees that should have been fired. We will discuss how to avoid unintentional discrimination by testing for "adverse impact". Finally we will discuss why you should not avoid the "onboarding" process.

Why should you attend: Employees are getting harder and harder to find at the same time the government is creating stricter and more onerous regulations. Engaging in hiring practices that are ineffective is expensive and wasteful. Engaging in hiring practices that are illegal is also expensive and damaging. Therefore it is important to understand what these five practices are that either ineffective or illegal or both

Areas Covered in the Session:

Warm body hiring
Effective interviewing
Understanding the job
Assessing the candidate
Proper use of background checks
Proper immigration documentation
Adverse impact discrimination
Properly onboarding the new employee

Who Will Benefit:

Office Managers
HR Administrators
Small Business Owners

Michael D.Haberman is a consultant, speaker, writer and teacher. He is co-founder of Omega HR Solutions, Inc. a consulting and services company offering complete human resources solutions. Mike brings years of experience in dealing with the challenges of Human Resources in the 21st century.

Conference creator: trainhr

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800-385-1627 Online Event,
Fremont 94539 (United States)

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