AAIP 2022

2022 Asia Conference on Advances in Image Processing (AAIP 2022)

Bangkok (Thailand), 28-30 December 2022

Key deadlines
Conference starts:
Paper Submission for Revision by:

Visit the conference website

Conference Description

Accepted papers after undergoing a preliminary review and rigorous peer review will be published in the Journal of Image and Graphics, which will be indexed by Scopus (Since 2021), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, Crossref, etc.

There are two methods for submitting your paper:
1. By iConference Submission system: http://confsys.iconf.org/conference/AAIP2022
2. By our contact email box: aaip@academic.net

Please feel free contact with us:
Jennifer Zeng (Conference Secretary)
E-mail: aaip@academic.net
Tel:+86-28-86512185 (Working Time: GMT+8 10:00AM to 5:00PM)

Conference creator: Helen

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Conference Location

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Bangkok (Thailand)

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