ICRCV 2022

2022 4th International Conference on Robotics and Computer Vision (ICRCV 2022)

Wuhan (China), 25-27 September 2022

Key deadlines
Conference starts:
Paper Submission for Revision by:

Visit the conference website

Conference Description

★★Paper Publication
★Accepted full papers will published into ICRCV 2022 Conference Proceedings, which will be published and submitted to IEEE Xplore. Those papers will be indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus and other main academical databases.
★Special Issue
High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, MEDLINE, PMC, Embase, Ei Compendex, Inspec, and many other databases.
Impact Factor: 3.576 (2020) ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.735 (2020)
★Good News! ICRCV 2021 conference proceedings has been archived in IEEE Xplore 1 month after the conference.

★★Conference Speakers
Prof. Ming Lin, IEEE Fellow / ACM Fellow, University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Yi Ma, IEEE Fellow / ACM Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Prof. Lorenzo Marconi, IEEE Fellow, University of Bologna, Italy
Prof. Xinde Li, Southeast University, China
Prof. Jee-Hwan Ryu, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea

★★Paper Submission
★A. Full Paper (for Presentation and Publication)
★B. Abstract (Presentation only)

Please submit your papers by our online submission system: http://www.zmeeting.org/submission/icrcv2022
If you have any enquiry, contact: icrcv_conf@163.com

★★Conference Venue:
Wuhan Institute of Technology, Liufang Campus, China
Address: LiuFang Campus, No. 206, Guanggu 1st road, Donghu New & High Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R. China

Conference Secretary : Ms. Zoe WU
Email : icrcv_conf@163.com

Conference creator: Sara

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Conference Location

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Wuhan (China)

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