International conference details
AETS 2022
2022 3rd Asia Education Technology Symposium (AETS 2022)
Fukuoka (Japan), 3-5 September 2022
Key deadlines
- Conference starts:
- 2022-09-03
- Paper Submission for Revision by:
- 2022-07-10
Conference Description
Submissions will be reviewed by both the conference committees and IJIET editorial board, and accepted papers of AETS will be published into in the International Journal of Information and Education Technology as a special issue, which will be indexed by Scopus, Inspec, Electronic Journals Library, Google Scholar, Crossref, etc.
Please submit full papers/Abstracts to the Symposium via Microsoft Submission system
Please feel free contact with us:
Cherry Chan (Conference Secretary)
Tel: +86-28-86512185
Conference creator: Helen
Actions menu
Conference Location
Fukuoka (Japan)