2021 The 4th International Conference on Mechatronics Systems and Control Engineering(ICMSCE 2021)

Chengdu (China), 5-7 March 2021

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Conference Description

Full Name: 2021 The 4th International Conference on Mechatronics Systems and Control Engineering(ICMSCE 2021)
Abbreviation: ICMSCE 2021
Website: http://www.icmsce.com/
Time: March 5-7, 2021
Venue: Chengdu, China

The 4th International Conference on Mechatronics Systems and Control Engineering (ICMSCE 2021) will take place in Chengdu, China during March 5-7, 2021. The main objective of ICMSCE 2021 is to present the latest research and results of scientists related to Mechatronics Systems and Control Engineering topics. The field of mechatronics is growing every day and control engineering finds itself in every different engineering application, from rescue robotics to medical applications. This conference is gaining more importance and popularity and we are very pleased that we can have a platform to discuss and educate ourselves even more on these subjects.

★★Paper Publication
All submissions will be peer reviewed by 2-3 reviewers. Accepted and registered papers will be published into ICMSCE 2021 Conference Proceedings, which will be published into Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), and submitted for indexing by Ei Compendex, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (WoS), Inspec.

★★Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Shuzhi Sam Ge, IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow, IET Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore;
Prof. Michael Yu WANG, IEEE Fellow, ASME Fellow, HKIE Fellow, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong;
Prof. Qingsong Xu, University of Macau, China;
Prof. Hamid Reza Karimi, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy;
Prof. Mohammed CHADLI, University Paris-Saclay, IBISC Lab. UEVE, France.

★★Paper Submission:
1. Full Paper (Presentation and Publication)
2. Abstract (Presentation only)
Electronic Submission System: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icmsce2021
If you have any enquiry, please contact: sub@icmsce.com
More Information, please visit: http://www.icmsce.com/submission.html

★★Conference Program:
March 5, 2021-- Conference Kits Pick-up
March 6, 2021-- Opening Remarks and Keynote Speeches (Morning)
March 6, 2021-- Paper Presentations (Afternoon)
March 7, 2021-- One-day Visit

Conference Secretary : Ms.Chris Zhang
Mail Address: sub@icmsce.com
Tel: +86-18010579209
(Office Time 9:30 - 18:00, Time zone: GMT+8; Monday to Friday)
Website: http://www.icmsce.com/

Conference creator: Sara

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Chengdu (China)

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