ICCGV 2020

2020 the 3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtuality (ICCGV 2020)

Chengdu (China), 21-24 February 2020

Key deadlines
Conference starts:

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Conference Description

ICCGV 2020
2020 the 3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtuality (ICCGV 2020)--Ei Compendex, Scopus
Chengdu, China
February 21-24, 2020

Call for Paper:

Computer Graphics
Images processing and computer vision
Rendering including real-time rendering,illumination, photo-realistic graphics
Computational photography
Graphics hardware, GPU, and hardware-related techniques
Image-based computer graphics
Geometric modeling, CAD, Simulation, Computer animation
image processing
Geometric data processing, GIS, BigData modeling and processing
Segmantation, Object Retrieval
Information visualization
Computer graphics and visualization
Computer graphics techniques for VR/AR/MR
Virtual humans and avatars
Multi-user and distributed VR/AR/MR
VR systems and toolkits
Locomotion and navigation in virtual environments
User studies and evaluation
Perception, presence, virtual embodiment, and cognition


All accepted submissions of ICCGV will be published in conference proceedings, which will be indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).

Chengdu, China

Agenda Overview:
February 21, 2020 Conference Check in and Materials Collection
February 22, 2020 Keynote Speech & Oral presentation
February 23, 2020 Tutorial & Discussion
February 24, 2020 Academic Visit or Tour

Submission Methods:
Full Paper(publication and oral presentation)
Abstract(oral presentation only)
Easychair Submission System (.pdf)

Conference Secretary: Ms. Echo Yang
ICCGV 2020 E-mail: iccgv@iact.net
Tel: 86-18081079313


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