International conference details
ICICM 2019
2019 The 9th International Conference on Information Communication and Management (ICICM 2019)--Ei Compendex, Scopus
Prague (Czech Republic), 23-26 August 2019
Key deadlines
- Conference starts:
- 2019-08-23
Conference Description
==ICICM 2019==
2019 The 9th International Conference on Information Communication and Management (ICICM 2019)--Ei Compendex, Scopus
Venue: Prague, Czech Republic
Date: August 23-26, 2019
Ei Compendex and Scopus!
All accepted papers after proper presentation and registration will be published with International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-7188-9), which will be reviewed for indexing by Ei Compendex, Scopus,sent to Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science) for evaluation and potential indexing as well.
==Technically Assisted by==
University of LeHavre, France
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Russian Federation
==Indexing News==
Papers of ICICM 2016 have been indexed by Ei Compendex & Scopus already!
Papers of ICICM 2017 have been indexed by Ei Compendex & Scopus already!
Papers of ICICM 2018 have been indexed by Ei Compendex & Scopus already!
Conference Chair
Prof. Alexander Balinsky, Cardiff University, UK
Prof. Atour Taghipour, University of LeHavre, France
Program Chairs
Prof. Joachim Griesbaum, University of Hildesheim, Germany
Prof. Kazumasa Oida, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
Publicity Chair
Prof. Evgeny Burnaev, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Russian Federation
Technical Committee
Prof. Armstrong Kadyamatimba,University of Venda, South Africa
Lecturer Di Gao, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Assoc. Prof. Beatrice Canel-Depiitre, Normandy University,France
Asst. Prof. Yaser Dalveren, At?l?m University,Turkey
Senior lecture Athanasios Paraskelidis, UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH,United Kingdom
Asst. Prof. Mohd Nishat Faisal, Qatar University, United Arab Emirates
Assoc. Prof. Mikhail Komarov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Prof. Evgeny Burnaev, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Russian Federation
Lecturer Farah Alsalami, AlQUDS College, Jordan
Dr. Husam Yaseen, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Lecturer Carlos Mugruza-Vassallo,Universidad de Lima, Perú
Lecturer Kofi Boateng, KNUST, Ghana
Prof. Yoshifumi Manabe,Kogakuin University, Japan
Jomana Mahfod, University of Le Havre, France
Rachi Amine, Audencia Business School, France
Prof. Chei-Chang Chiou, National Changhua University of Education,Taiwan
Prof. Dr. Ion Mierlus Mazilu, Technical University of Civil Engineering,Romania
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==Contact us==
Secretary:Ms. Katrina. H. Cheney
Conference creator: Sara
Actions menu
Conference Location
Prague (Czech Republic)