International conference details
ICMDA 2019
2019 2nd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications (ICMDA 2019)--EI Compendex and Scopus
Tokyo (Japan), 13-15 April 2019
Key deadlines
- Conference starts:
- 2019-04-13
Conference Description
2019 2nd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications (ICMDA 2019)
2019 2nd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications (ICMDA 2019) will be held in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan during April 13-15, 2019.
Conference Venue: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Main Attractions:
1.Famous professor as Keynote Speaker
Prof. Kazushi Kinbara, from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan;
Prof. Takashige Omatsu, from Chiba University, Japan;
Prof. Hongqi Sun, from Edith Cowan University, Australia;
Prof. Xiaozhong Zhang, from Tsinghua University, China.
2.Academic Visit
There will be a one-day academic visit in Tokyo Institute of Technology and Tokyo on April 15, 2019.
3. Publication and index
All accepted and published papers of ICMDA 2019 will be published in Materials Science Forum,which will be indexed by SCOPUS, Ei Compendex,Inspec etc. or published in the International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing (IJMMM, ISSN: 1793-8198), which can be included in and indexed by EI (INSPEC, IET), Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), Engineering & Technology Digital Library, ProQuest, Crossref, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, DOAJ, and Electronic Journals Library.
Contact us:
Ms. Xue Gong
Tell: +852-3500-0137 (Hong Kong)
+1-206-456-6022 (USA)
+86-28-86528465 (China)
For more detailed information, please visit our website
We are looking forward to your joining in us!
Conference creator: Ian
Actions menu
Conference Location
Tokyo (Japan)