ICDLE 2018

2018 9th International Conference on Distance Learning and Education (ICDLE 2018)

Tokyo (Japan), 26-28 October 2018

Key deadlines
Conference starts:

Visit the conference website

Conference Description

*2018 9th International Conference on Distance Learning and Education (ICDLE 2018)*
October 26-28, 2018, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Accepted papers of ICDLE 2018 will be sent for peer review and accepted papers will be published into one of the following Journals.
☆International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET)
Abstracting/ Indexing: EI (INSPEC, IET),Cabell's Directories, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Crossref and ProQuest.

☆International Journal of Learning and Teaching(IJLT)
Abstracting/Indexing: Google Scholar; Engineering & Technology Digital Library; etc.

*Submission Instructions:
♢ English is the official language. Paper should be prepared and presented in English. Full paper (no less than 4 Full Pages) submission is required for Publication and Presentation.
♢ Submission:
▪By online submission system: please check on the official website[http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icdle2018]
▪By Email: icdle@iacsit.org

*Topics* (Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to):
^Open Learning and Distance Education
^Authoring tools
^Content development
^Open Learning and Distance Education
^Authoring tools
^Content development
^Open Learning and Distance Education
^E-learning quality management
^Standards for learning objects
^Open Learning and Distance Education
^General domain
^Primary and secondary education
^Open Learning and Distance Education
^Design and development of course contents
^E-learning tactics and strategies
^E-learning curriculums
^For more topics, please visit http://www.icdle.org/cfp.html

*Contact us*
Conference Secretary: Ms. Harriet Hwang
Email: icdle@iacsit.org
Tel: +86-28-86528758
Web: www.icdle.org


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