International conference details
ICPES 2018
2018 8th IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy Systems(ICPES 2018)
Colombo (Sri Lanka), 21-22 December 2018
Key deadlines
- Conference starts:
- 2018-12-21
Conference Description
●2018 8th IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy Systems(ICPES 2018)
●Conference Website:
●Conference Place: Colombo, Sri Lanka/ Conference Date: December 21-22, 2018
ICPES 2018 aims to provide a high level international forum to bring together industry professionals, academics, and individuals from institutions, industrials and government agencies to exchange information, share achievements, and discus the advancement in the fields of Power and Energy Systems, etc.
●All accepted papers must be written in English and will be published into 【Conference Proceedings by IEEE】.
The proceedings will be submitted and indexed by the 【IEEE Xplore】 and 【Ei Compendex】 after the conference.●
●Good News!●
ICPES 2018 will select 12% suitable registered papers from the conference proceedings and recommend them to IET Power Electronics
(2016 Impact Factor : 3.547 (released in 2017); It has a 5-year Impact Factor of 3.575)
ICPES 2018 has been listed into IEEE Conference Calendar.
ICPES 2017 confernce proceedings has been included into IEEE Xplore.
★Call for Paper★
Please view more details about CFP:【】
Mobile and Wireless Communications
Optical and Photonic communications
Antennas and Wave Propagation
Microwave Theory and Techniques
Energy Conservation
Energy Conversion
Fuel Cell Technology
Plasma Technology
Renewable Energy Sources
Solar Energy
Water Energy
Wind Energy
●●Paper Submission●●
A. Full Paper (for Presentation and Publication)
Accepted full paper will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference and be publsihed in the conference proceedings.
Submission Link-
B. Abstract (Presentation only)
Accepted abstract will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference, the presentation will not be published.
Please send your abstract to
★★Contact Us:
Conference Secretary : Ms. Jerain Wang
Email :
Tel: +861-325-333332-3
Website :
Conference creator: Sara
Actions menu
Conference Location
Colombo (Sri Lanka)